Sunday may 4th 10a-3p
spring ritual market
rain date: sunday may 11th 10a-3p
our first market in downtown augusta! this market is right between the kennebec river at the historic downtown buildings. 35+ vendors will be set up in the parking lot, with food trucks, music, and all the vibes you know + love!
Apply to the Spring Ritual Market
This vendor application is for the Spring Ritual Market event taking place Sunday, May 4th from 10am-3pm at the Waterfront Park in Augusta, Maine with a rain date of Sunday, May 11th from 10am-3pm. Vendors will be set up in the waterfront park's parking lot along with two food trucks.
Vendor applications are open from Wednesday, January 29th at 9am through Wednesday, February 5th at midnight. Please read this page in it's entirety before applying even if you've vended before as some policies have changed. While applications are not first come first serve and will be open for the full duration, applying early is beneficial to me as it allows me to begin responding to applications a few days in. All applications will be responded to by Wednesday, February 12th so please regularly check your emails until then.
We take time to carefully review each application we receive and are truly grateful for each and every inquiry. Our markets would not be what they are without our vendors. We will respond to every single applicant regardless of our decision. We recognize the way we run this market is different than other markets - and if you feel that it’s not a good fit for you, that’s okay! But please refrain from sending any negative responses to denial emails - that will result in a permanent ban from the markets. It cost nothing to be kind.
Vendor Applications are reviewed and chosen based on many factors, including but not limited to:
Past vending experience with ritual market and other events. Uniqueness of products offered - we do our best to avoid too many vendors within the same niche. How well you business' booth fits with the market's theme + vibe. You have an established business with a website, social media handles, or selling platform.
Cost + Payment
The cost of a 10x10ft booth for the day is $125. If you are unable to pay the fee up front you must let me know within 48 hours from receiving the acceptance email that you need to utilize one of our payment options:
option 1) delayed payment: you will have two weeks from the date of your acceptance email to pay the $125 booth fee in full.
option 2) split payments: you can split the $125 booth fee into two payments. half is due within 48 hours of receiving an acceptance email and the other half is due within 3 weeks of receiving your acceptance email.
Split or shared booths are allowed if you list both businesses info on the application and indicate you'd like a shared booth. Payment and cost is still the same, but it is up to you to decide who pays what as long as $125 is sent by the time it is due!
A 10x10ft canopy is required to participate in the market, along with at least 40lb weights on each leg. The weights are required for markets at the Augusta waterfront park parking lot. You cannot use stakes on the tar. Vendors are required to bring all of their own tables, chairs, displays, and anything else they need that day.
A rain date has been established for this market - in the event of severe inclement weather, the market will be postponed one week to Sunday, May 11th from 10am-3pm. You are required on the application to disclose if you can make the rain date or not. While not being able to make the rain date doesn't necessarily affect your chances of being accepted, you must understand that our rain date policy is as follows:
If it is decided we need to postpone the market to the rain date and you can not make it, your booth fee will only be refunded if we are able to fill your spot. We typically have a waitlist of 30-40 vendors ready to go for the rain date so this is typically not an issue, but you must be aware refunds are NOT guaranteed.
Refunds are awarded if you pull from the market at least two weeks prior to the market date and only if your booth can be filled. We typically have a 30-40 vendor waitlist, so while a refund isn't guaranteed we usually do not have any issues filling spots. HOWEVER, beginning in 2025 we are implementing a drop out fee of $15. This is to cover any fees associated with receiving and transferring the original booth fee and a small fee for the time to fill your booth. So you would be refunded $15 less than what you paid. This fee is only for those who drop out and not those who can't make the rain date.
If you have read this page in it's entirety - please click the link below to access the application.